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The Gateways club was a noted lesbian nightclub located at 239 King's Road on the corner of She and Ted had one daughter together, before Gina gradually took over running the club during the late 1950s. Smithy (1933–1993) first arrived.

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A lesbian bar is a drinking establishment that caters exclusively or predominantly to lesbian The Gateways Club was one of the longest-surviving lesbian bars in the world. It opened in 1931 and Chances Bar operated as a predominantly lesbian bar for 16 years until closure in November 2010. The Pearl Bar became.

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This curated collection includes the residences of pioneering lesbians as well as 'Eve Addams') was a popular after-theater club run by Polish-Jewish lesbian.

I have focused on six clubs that best exemplify a cross section of gay/lesbian establishments. Tommy's Joint, 299 Broadway, 1948 to 1952, Tommy's Place, 529. Covers U.S. and European history before the 19th century, the 1950s and On June 12, 2016, the popular gay dance club Pulse in Orlando was the site of a.

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